Friday, December 28, 2007


Happy days are here again! Well, for the most part. Sorry I haven't been on much during the Christmas break, things have been kind of weird for me. The first major thing is that, since my family moved up to Sugarhouse, I haven't had internet for the past two weeks. I know, it is amazing I am still among the living.

Hopefully all of you Christmases (and other such December-y holidays) rocked and that you were safe during the break. My Christmas was...bittersweet. It was really good to be able to see my family again and eat some wonderful home cooked food, but the Sunday before last my great grandfather passed away. That made the holidays difficult, but my family is doing okay.

Right, I have to think positively before I start crying again. Ummm. Oh! For those of you who follow my movie making chronicles I have received an equipment upgrade in the form of my very own camera. Poor Andrew has been without a camera because I am constantly borrowing his. Now I have a very beautiful camera by the name of Giacomo (yes, I name stuff) and am excited to work on all of my dream projects. Who knows, maybe one of these days you will see my name in the credits of an academy award winning film. Yeah, that'd rock.

I've also been having fun exploring Sugarhouse for the first time. Discovered I live about a block away from what my friend Mary described as "everything that matters" in Salt Lake. There is a complex with a Barnes and Nobles, Noodles and Co., Jamba Juice, Old Navy, Footlocker, Training Table, Movies 10, Olive Garden, Shopko, Maggie Moos Ice Cream, and twenty other stores I can't remember, and I live right near it. Go me. Actually I think it's rather silly, but I'm fine with being so close to a bookstore.

Also, I am looking for movie ideas. If you have any let me know, and chances are I will get around to it within the next few months. Right, now I have to go look up textbooks for next semester, so I will talk to you all later!

Monday, December 10, 2007


Well, I have managed to survive nearly an entire semester at Southern Utah University. That's something of an accomplishment. It seems like I will get at least a B+ in my Script Analysis class, a B in Costume Construction, an A- in Arts Retrospective, and a decent enough grade in LM 1000...but Survey of Theater and University 1000 scare me to no end. I have to keep at least a 3.6 in order to keep my scholarship, and, to say the least, I am dying of stress. What that means is if I get less than a B- in any of my classes all of the rest have to be at least an A-...Panic much?

If you get the chance to pray that I won't die of stress that would be really nice, and if you can spare a moment to pray that I will do well in finals week that would rock as well.

And, oh joy, I managed to freak out at Laura. She has been wanting to do a movie featuring the story of one of the alleged theater ghosts, and this past Saturday we went and borrowed a top hot and dance dress from the costume shop with the intent of returning them this morning. The guy that was going to help us with the movie jerked off and wasn't home all Saturday so we couldn't film. And he wasn't available this morning like he said he would be. Lo and behold, Laura just came into my room and asked me what I was going to do about it. Hm, not the best decision. I asked her why she can never talk to Earl, the costume professor, herself or why I always have to be the one with answers. It's as if I am expected to be an all-knowing all-doing god while they don't notice how horribly freaked out I am. She hissed something at me before storming out the door. Whoop dee do. This is why I really shouldn't get stressed.

Right, now that I've binged about that bad crap I will continue on to the rest of my life.

This past week my family relocated to a different part of my state, and so I now get to figure out a very large city when I go home on Thursday. It should be rather exciting. Oddly enough I will be within five minutes of Mary and my brother will eventually go to her high school. I wonder what kind of mischief will come from that one.

Of late I have been running around a bit too much to really get on the internet. Somewhere between classes, shows, assignments, and obligations I disappeared into the masses. Hopefully after this week I will be live for three weeks, but I make no promises about the next semester. It should be an easier one because of all the classes I have (like Acting I, Intro to Visual Arts, and a journalism practicum).

I am going to go work on something for one of my classes, and then work on something for another class, and then hopefully find time for food before working on something else. Cheers all, hopefully I will get to talk to you all soon.

P.S. Josh and Jeni- I will be on MSN after this week at a more normal rate. Hopefully. Considering how little time I've had to sleep I haven't had much of a chance to talk. I <3 the both of you, though. Stay sane.