I just realized that I will be graduating in the spring. It snuck up on me like nothing else has before: I'm graduating. In the spring.
It really does feel like just yesterday that I moved into Juniper Hall for my first year of college. I remember Mom's reluctance to leave, the almost constant sound of giggles echoing down the hall, and the knowing looks when I introduced myself as a freshman theatre student. And now, here I am at the end of the road. I've only got one semester left in my bachelors career.
I don't quite know whether to be excited or terrified.
Part of the process has been a battle to figure out what I want to do with my life, but now the road is clear. I'm applying to graduate programs, looking into my future career, and may even be published soon. Everything is going so well, and I know how blessed I am. I hope I am doing the right thing, but I can't help but be nervous. If I get into the school I want to I'll be moving across the country and will be living by myself. That's a scary prospect in any book, but I bet it would be good for me. I know the school would be.
The beginning of February will mark the opening of The Glass Menagerie, which I'm the assistant director of. It will be nice to have the show open, and I'm sure it will be wonderful. I just never thought I'd get to the point of working in such a high position on a main stage show. When you're in your first year of college that sort of thing seems unattainable, and yet I somehow managed to plop right into it. The process has been very exciting, and it has shown me how much I have grown. If nothing else, I'm shaping up to be a decent director.
I just have to keep my head above water in this last semester, and hopefully all will go well. I bet it will, though. Anything is possible with faith and good hard work.