Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Busy Doesn't Define It

I am not entirely certain that I am capable of thinking enough to write, but I will do my best. Let me think...Tuesday. Yes, that would be the day. I can never seem to remember these kinds of things, but you may have to forgive me due to the late hour of my writing.

The reason for my particularly late writing is due to the rather strange thing that happened to me on Monday while I was making rice for Laura and myself. One moment I was floating around happily reading the forums on National Write a Novel Month and the next I was on the phone with the director of "Crimes of the Heart." It was somewhat confusing but eventually it turned out that they desperately needed someone to come run props for their show, and why they called a directing major rather than a technical major I still have absolutely no idea. Regardless I soon found myself driving over to the theater (I wouldn't want to walk home in the dark, after all) and began to watch the show to see just how things fit together.

I had recently told one of my friends that life was ironic because her life has been sickeningly busy since the beginning of school and now that her life is calming down mine would shoot off into all kinds of busy. I shouldn't say such things. Suffice it to say that from six o'clock to ten o'clock I was learning all about the wonderful world of props and just how much work the properties people do. You know, sometimes I am not certain that actors and audiences realize just how much work goes on to make things go smoothly--heaven knows I didn't always pay as much attention and respect as I should have.

Other than teching for "Crimes of the Heart" I have simply been trying to survive my classes with a G.P.A. high enough to keep my scholarship. By way of good news I got 90% on my Script Analysis midterm and 100% on my Arts Retrospective: Music Final. Yay for good news! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and write a critical review of Henry V for my Survey of Theater class. Cheers!

Oh, and go see "Crimes of the Heart" if you get the chance. It's awesome.

1 comment:

Cliche Horror Film said...

Haha, I won't kill the kid... Allie's ten times closer to it then I am, but I was the one who literally shoved him out the door when he tried to pull me over to him... *doesn't like it when people touch her*

That's pretty amazing. hehe. I love doing props, and at our first show, the stage manager was pretty much shaking he was so anxious, and Allie and I had to keep calming him down to let him know that we had everything all right.

*hugs* Busy... It seems to be making its rounds. I never have time anymore, but, in a way, I'd rather have no time.

We had to meorize a monolog for my theatre class... A MidSummer Night's Dream for me. =]

I'm off to go be busy and such.
Enjoy yourself writing that...