Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life is a Party

Life is kind of funny. Have you ever noticed that?

For days on end we all go around living life, sometimes without even noticing what we're doing, and then something so entirely peculiar happens that shakes the world up. In my case a number of things have happened lately that just made me sit back and absolutely laugh at myself. And no, I wasn't just laughing at myself for no reason at all.

Recently things have been extremely busy for me, and if you have bothered to open the University Journal or looked on recently you will have noticed how often my name has been popping up in the past two weeks. That, my friends, is because I have been doing story after story for them. In the past seven days I have attended a concert, gone to a film festival, and learned all about the college's chapter of Habitat for Humanity (did you even know SUU had one of those?). It's been blisteringly busy, but I've been having so much fun that I consider the past two weeks something of a party.

Of course, getting the information together for the Habitat story was a bit strange. I had never really sat down and thought about what the organization did, and so I did some research on their website while I was waiting for my contact to arrive. It was intriguing, to say the least, and I was excited by the thought that SUU was going to help the community's poor by building housing. And then I got the depressing news. SUU's chapter is too small to start on that big of projects, but they do offer an alternative Spring Break where they go out of state to do work on other projects. I guess the poor of our community can only hope that eventually SUU's chapter will be big enough to start building houses, and if you want to help out more information is in the Service and Learning Center.

As for my adventures at the concert...Well, that is an interesting matter. The Angeli Duo, two very talented violinists, came to Cedar City and did a master class for local orchestra students before performing that night. It's really cool that the Cedar City Music Arts Association gets so many talented performers to come to Cedar City because it gives the PVA students a change to learn from some of the best in the business through the master classes.

My other assignment was...amazingly fun. I was able to go to the Parowan Film Festival, which is held once a year, and see Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for the first time. It was an absolute blast to be able to see a movie like that on a big screen, and after I had written my story my friends and I went on a second quest back to Parowan for another night of the festival. Oh yes, I went to the sci-fi double feature and got to see Galaxy Quest and the original Planet of the Apes for only $2. Talk about exciting.

Life here in Cedar City is something of a party, and if you know where to look there is something going on every night. Whether it is a RAP activity or a local service project, the world is full of opportunities for new adventures and new friends. What are you going to do with what you've been given?

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