Thursday, July 17, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Isn't There More?

Work, work, work. That's all I seem to do anymore. It's not that I'm complaining--having money is certainly something I am fond of--but I miss life. It seems that my summer has been nothing but a routine of getting up, eating something (maybe), going to work, coming home, trying to catch up on e-mails, and crashing for the night. If I were to die tomorrow they'd be able to say that my last days had been spent working hard, sure, but what would be the point?

I suppose ever since May I've been extremely pensive about money. You could say my dream world would be one where we don't need it, but I suppose I'll just have to get along with dealing with the stuff.

Right, now that I've ranted. On to the good news! School starts up again in a month, and I am excited beyond words. Getting to be back in Cedar, on my own and relatively free, makes all the work I've been doing worth it. Not only that, but I'm selling my car to a guy at work. This'll give me more money (oi) that I plan on putting towards a scooter. Both of my roommates will have cars, so things like groceries shouldn't be a problem. Admittedly, I have wanted a scooter for the past two years. The only problem's been that it seemed like a silly thing to do, and I doubted my dad would go for the idea. Ha! Now that gas is $4.20 a gallon, though, buying a scooter seems to be on just about everyone's mind. It's understandable, though, since I'd save over $100 a month in gas just by having a scooter instead. Ah, that my dream might come true...

Anyway, I've been saving and looking into getting my motorcycle endorsement. Hopefully before school starts I'll be able to get one. If not, I know how to be patient. After all, I've waited two years already, what's a few more months?

Hm... Oh! Everyone should try to go see Wall-E and Kung Fu Panda. Both are amazingly good, and I spent almost all of Kung Fu Panda laughing so hard my dad probably thought I was going to hurt myself. The benefit of working at a movie theater has been seeing the movies for free, but better than that is that I get to take someone from my family with me. I know Dad was happy to see Indiana Jones for free, otherwise I don't think he would've ever gotten around to it. Not with all of the money he has to put towards my brother's meds and general idiocy. But there's more than that... The people at my work are...different. Many of them lead lives very different from mine, and they like to tease me because I'm the little LDS girl (even though I am older than half the staff). But I can see the difference I make in their lives. One of the women is so depressed that she constantly looks like she's going to cry, but when we get talking she brightens for a little bit. And there's another lady who is working on getting off of caffine and cigarettes, and she calls me her angel because of how I sing when nothing is going on in the box office. It's small things, really, but making them happier... I dunno, it's easier to forget the problems in my life. Maybe that's the trick to it all: make others happy, make yourself happy. Who knows, I'm no expert on life.

In other news, I'm going to be auditioning for American Idol. Some of my friends and I thought it might be fun, but by the looks of it I'm going to be the only one to go through with it. Oh well. I suppose worst comes to worst I will spend hours in line and not even get to audition. Then again, there's always that chance that I'll make it through. Course, I'd laugh if I did. Me? As a contestant on American Idol? Sure, I can sing, but like that? Ha! I doubt it. I guess we'll all see.

Anyway, since I have work tomorrow, I should probably go to sleep. Luckily I have the two days before Batman off so I can reserve my strength, but the fact I've not been feeling well bodes somewhat ominously. Ah, what can you do? If you need anything, don't be afraid to e-mail me. It seems that's the best way to reach me, these days.

Be good, be safe, and don't do anything you'd regret!