Friday, August 27, 2010

School = Stress

So, here we are at the end of the first week of school. I feel quite proud of myself to still be alive, especially considering how much homework I've had in the past four days.

It looks like I am going to be nothing if not busy. To start with, I am working on two different plays this semester. I will be working as dramaturge for "Love's Labors Lost" (which means I look up the words they don't know and make sure they stay accurate to the world of the play), and I will also be assistant directing "The Glass Menagerie". Those all by themselves would be enough to make life exciting, but I never know when to stop. I'm also taking a Methods of Theatre Education class with Michael Bahr, who directs the Utah High School Shakespearean Competition; three English classes; my theatre capstone; and, I'm also taking a math class. If I survive to the end of the semester I will probably be very happy, not to mention highly prepared for the next phase of life.

In all actuality, this semester does not scare me. I am very excited to get to work on all of the projects that await me, and I really feel like this is the time to prove myself to myself. The fact that I get to go to Ohio for the Shakespearean Conference and do so much hard work with my classes is the sort of challenge I live for. Besides, it just goes to prove that I am ready for the things that are coming in my career. Speaking of which, it looks like I will get to do an assistantship in the spring and be able to help teach the Shakespeare Drama Lit class, which would be horribly exciting.

I'm just... so enthused about this semester. I can't wait to take it on, tackle it, and conquer it.