Monday, October 12, 2009

Busy busy busy

Well, life is certainly keeping me on my toes. Between Shakespeare Acting Styles, Shakespeare in English, Directing I, and "Our Town" I can't seem to find a spare minute to take a breath. Just this week alone I get to write a paper for my midterms and get to work directing my final play and doing rehearsals.

But, it's tons of fun! I forgot how enjoyable doing a play is, and I think "Our Town" is going to do fantastically. Christine Frezza, the director, has given it a twist that has made it a lot less grim and far more enjoyable (at least for me). My character, Mrs. Soames, even got an upgrade, and she's far more interesting than just your average busybody. If you're interested in seeing it, we open on November 5th at the SUU auditorium. We run that weekend, and then Thurs-Sun of the next week. Means I get to turn 21 while doing the play, which should be... interesting.

As for my paper... Well, I'm not certain what I'm going to write it on. I was tempted to do the importance of language in understanding Shakespeare, but I don't think making my professor angry would be a very good idea.

My play should go well. After I've met with my actors I will give you more information as far as that goes, but it'll be an experience!

Anyway, I should run off and work on all the things I've got to do. Loves to you all!

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