Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to Eat an Elephant

So I don't know how many of you know, but my apartment currently has a dog named Evie (or Flower, as my Dad likes to call her). She's a bit of a spaz dog, and since she's a Chinese Crested she's got... very little hair. One of my roommates, Jamie, decided it would be absolutely hilarious to get our little ten pound dog a rawhide bone that is... almost as big as she is.

Since Evie is a rescue dog she has a few interesting quirks, and we discovered one when Jamie threw her the bone. Our dog actually started to warble at the bone and bark at it and paw at it in a sort of terror. It was hilarious! She eventually tried biting it, after five minutes of examination, but tried to bite it the long way, which meant her mouth did not fit. Well, truth be told her mouth doesn't fit no matter which way she goes. Since I have neither a baby or a spouse, I figured I would share pictures of Evie and her bone instead. Sorry they are low quality, since it's night my phone was somewhat fail at taking pictures.

1 comment:

Hilary and Kevin said...

Your apartment has a dog!! Oh I am so jealous! Okay not totally - I just think that would be super fun. That is a huge bone for small dog!