Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Summer Days

You know, I never thought I would get to the point where finals week just wasn't that scary. Is that an odd sensation? I still have two papers to write, one of them being an analysis of one of my favorite movies and the other a brief blurb from the perspective of a Renaissance painter, and a radio program to mix, but I'm really calm about the whole thing. My radio program doesn't scare me because I know how to do that, and the papers...those are going to get done tonight. Tomorrow I check out of my room at Juniper, and today I turn in my journalism portfolio. Overall it seems like things are going rather well.

I'm actually going to be living down in Cedar City for the summer, so that should be something of an adventure. I'll be continuing my work at the observatory, so if you want to talk I'll be there every Monday night starting at sundown. Beyond that I'll probably be working another two jobs so my future roommate won't continue to worry about making payments on where we will be living during the summer and the coming school year. While I'm at it, I'll also be writing the book I promised I would finish this year, and I'll be working hard to do everything I can to improve the coming semester.

Life is scary. Life is hard. Life is expensive. Those are my lessons going into summer, and if the stress doesn't kill me I bet it will be a very fun experience. Here's to seeing those of you here at school in the coming fall, and to the rest of you...Well, our paths will cross again sooner or later. Don't be afraid to email me.

To life!

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