Friday, September 18, 2009

Finding Joy

I think, compared to a lot of people, I'm a relatively easy person to please. Many people have told me that I must lead a very exciting life or do a great deal when no one is looking, which just gives me a bit of a laugh. I learned something very important a long time ago: you should always do what you can to be happy, even if it is just a little thing every day. If nothing else, it took my stress levels down because I was no longer trying to be an impressive person.

For me, the ideal day is one that would perhaps seem boring to others. I'm happiest when I can get up, do laundry or sweep and mop, shower, make lunch, get ready for class the next day, spend time reading or writing, talk to friends, make dinner, and enjoy a good movie. Told you it was boring. Actually, in truth, that's my Monday ritual. I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so the other days in my week are falling into a very particular, relaxing sort of schedule. Really, I... just love simplicity. Other people thrive off of the huge adventures, but the stress usually makes it difficult for me to enjoy that sort of thing.

And I will admit that I am not an exciting person. That's not my goal in life. What I am is a relatively happy person who is working on being absolutely joyful. Really, what more could you ask for in life?

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