How can I explain today? It all started with Liybie. I blame everything on Liybie.
Now why would I bother to blame a nice girl like her? Because she asked Laura and I to help her recreate a photograph for homework. That's always dangerous. Why? Because the creative juices start flowing and don't stop. Why? Well...I just don't know.
I will say that we did manage to recreate the picture quite beautifully, but that meant we had to make a trip to the soul consuming Wal-Mart. So we went. Nothing really exciting happened...but then things went horribly amiss. We went to D.I.
For two hours we were consumed by the awesomeness of what we found. When at last we walked out it was with leather pants, a leather jacket, a belt, a sweater, two skirts, a fishnet jacket, and 80's prom dress. How we got that much stuff is a story for another day, but suffice it to say we planned on something of a photo shoot for that night.
And then came dinner. Now around JC300 dinner is an adventure--ask anyone who has eaten with us...or near us...or at the same time...or anyone who has happened to hear of what happens when JC300 eats. Pretty all stories lead to awesomeness. At dinner things were going rather normally...until the KaoruHikaru incident. To those of you who don't know what Ouran High School Host Club is you're missing out...Let's just say that it meant false blushing, false tears, and false flirting. Oh snap, it was awkward. But really funny. A girl who we will call "Shematite" for the sake of privacy actually snorted hamburger out her nose. Oh yes, we rock that much. ><
Do you know what happens after dinner on a Tuesday night? LAUNDRY PARTY!!!! If you've never attended a JC300 Laundry Party you are missing out. What happened? Well, most of that will remain a JC300 mystery. But! I can say that it did lead to a rather epic photo shoot. Laura and Shematite got their vampire on and used a boy who will call "Shadow" as their human prop. I got to have lots of fun taking pictures of the event, but at ten o'clock at night Laura finally decided to go back to Manzanita.
And that's when things got scary. Poor Shadow, in his endearing innocence, came upstairs dressed as The Phantom (from the awesome Broadway show)...JThe C300 females struck. He was able to seek asylum in my room, and it wasn't long before my door became the focus of a mob. They pounded, they yelled, they stuck cameras through the door...Thanks to dear Faith, though, we were warned enough in advance to barricade the door so they couldn't in. Shadow eventually took to hiding in my closet to avoid the scary females awaiting outside.
Once the mob was satisfied that Shadow wasn't coming out to play (as they begged him to) they left. Thank heavens. At the moment we're hiding in my room hoping they don't come back, and all the while we're wondering if it's safe. I doubt it is. Poor Shadow is going to have to sneak out my door and pray he's not caught. Hopefully he makes it.
The point of this all? JC300 rocks. Actually, the point is that life is never boring living on campus. @.@ Night all. Pray for Shadow.
That answers the question why Shematite doesn't have time to call her mother. She's very busy hiding with Shadows in your closet. She always did look great in fishnets. She has her dad's great legs. You guys should all dress up (prom dresses, costumes, etc.)at least once in October to go to dinner if you haven't already. Glad you are having fun with my girlie!
Haha! Well, actually we were planning a night of going all dressed up to dinner. We're really sporadic like that. All I know is that we're really glad you let Shematite come play with us; we love her dearly.
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